Bloggers Q & A: Eat Like a Girl, Monday, 9 March 2009 09:43
Receiving accolades from the likes of Time Out and The Times, the hugely popular London food blog, Eat Like a Girl, serves as an outlet for blogger Niamh Shields to express her thoughts about what she’s most passionate about – good food. Luckily for all of us, it’s a fun and engaging read that’s regularly updated with plenty of delicious musings. Recently, Niamh was kind enough to share some of foodie insight with us …
READ THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW: Bloggers Q & A: Eat Like a Girl
I really like Niamh Shield’s blog and I am glad that she is being noticed. Her blog is informative, interesting and creative. I am also a self-proclaimed foodie and write a food blog myself and Eat Like a Girl is exactly what i look for in a food blog!