My Japanese #SoupSearch for Ainsley Begins!


Yep, I’m all packed and ready to go, just sitting here waiting for a car to take me to the airport. The next several days are going to be awesome as I zip around Japan (Tokyo, Hakone and Kyoto to be exact) in search of the next great flavour for Ainsley Harriott’s World Kitchen range of soups.

Whenever I go over my action packed itinerary, I feel a bit overwhelmed. I’m going to be visiting ancient temples and riding super modern bullet trains … eating alongside sumo wrestlers and attending a traditional cookery course … shopping for plastic kitsch and soaking in natural hot springs. I reckon my trip’s been designed to show me that Japan is a land of contrasts. And, judging from all the restaurants and food markets lined up for me to visit, I’m probably going to be waddling back home with a solid understanding of how yummy Japan is as well.

I love Japanese food so much and cannot wait to chow down on the real thing!

One of the nicest aspects about winning this trip is that I get to take a guest with me. Obviously, I’ve invited Kemey. She’s as excited as I am and plans to take tons of photos and maybe even blog about the adventure herself.

Once back in the UK, I’ll meet up again with Ainsley and crew to discuss my flavour ideas inspired by my trip . Wish me luck!

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About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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6 Responses to My Japanese #SoupSearch for Ainsley Begins!

  1. Lindsey says:

    Good luck – am sure you’ll both have a wonderful time.

  2. Haikugirl says:

    Have a fabulous time! Eat everything!! (*^_^)v

  3. Enjoy yourself – make the most of it! 🙂

    • tikichris says:

      Thanks Rachel. It was a go-go-go adventure. I feel like I made the most of it. I certainly had a blast and enjoyed plenty of delicious food.

      Hope you’re well,

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