I spent yesterday with Ainsley Harriot and crew up in Leeds at the Symington’s factory (where Ainsley Harriott Foods products are produced and packaged). We chatted about my #soupsearch adventures, trial-and-error-ed our way through all sorts of concoctions based on what I’d sampled while in Japan and worked on a plan to move forward with our flavoursome findings. I think we ended on a pretty tasty note. I was certainly slurping plenty of our prototype toward the end of my visit.
I’ll write more about my day at Symington’s (just waiting for the okay on all the photos taken and to hear back a few things) but thought I’d give this behind-the-scenes and in-the-lab experience a mention anyway. I got to wear a beard snood during the almost mind blowing factory tour, and our soupy noodling even made the Yorkshire Evening Post. Of course, they failed to mention my blog in their piece but managed to spell my surname correctly. So (aside from the fact that I look like a maniac in the photo), I reckon it’s a good thing. Stay tuned!