On Thursday May 16, chefs rom across the UK will gather at celebrated East London pub, The Gun, to pit their slider skills against The Gun’s own head chef, Quinton Bennett, to determine who deserves the title of Slider Decider Champion 2013.
Slider Decider at The Gun Pub in East London (OneTravel)
About tikichris
Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
This entry was posted in Beer, Drink, Food, London, OneTravel, Pubs, Restaurants, Travel and tagged BARS, Barworks, beer, Blue Boar Smokehouse, burgers, canary wharf, Capish, Check On, Disco Bistro, dishoom, Drink, duck & waffle, east london, ED'S EASY DINER, Food, Graphic, hamburgers, Nanban, Nigel Frederick Butcher, OneTravel, OPERA TAVERN, Original Fry Up Material, pub, pubs, restaurant, Seven Park Place, sliders, St Austell Brewery, street vendors, sushinho, The Bladebone Inn, The Butty, The Grove, THE GUN, The Plough, The Red Lion, THE SHIP, The Tavern; Tsuru, Travel. Bookmark the permalink.