Jerusalem City Break: Old City, New Perspective


Oh my God (pun intended), experiencing the Old City area of Jerusalem for myself was both spiritually uplifting and somewhat anticlimactic … and incredibly enlightening.


To walk along the Via Dolorosa (the path that cross bearing Jesus is said to have taken en route to his crucifixion) … to witness such devotion in action among the pilgrims at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and those in prayer at the Western Wall or on their way to the Al-Asque Mosque … to see, despite the troubles, the adherents of three world religions worshipping in close proximity … these were profound and touching moments.



But … to negotiate the tight passage of tacky souvenir shops as I walked in the alleged steps of Christ … to lose count of all the soldiers and their guns positioned throughout this historic quarter … to be aware of the years of tribal, ethnic and sectarian bloodshed over such as small plot of land … well, that was a more grounding realisation that despite its age-old significance Jerusalem is in many regards just another place where people have to earn a living … that there’s not so much any glowing aura about it as there is a banality among ancient attractions.


If you’ve ever attended church/mosque/synagogue – or watched practically any episode of the nightly news over the past few decades, you’re bound to have some sort of concept in your head about Jerusalem – one that’s certain to be considerably more visceral than other notions about most anywhere else. For me, touring the Old City presented a chance to confirm and to question my ideas about faith and religion … to develop (an albeit touristic and really very safe and sheltered) outlook regarding the current events shaping the Middle East today … to further appreciate the broad perspective granted during my brief trip.

More to come soon in my short series of posts recounting my Jerusalem City Break.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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  1. Pingback: Jerusalem City Break: תודה (Thanks)

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