Remember back last month when I was hitting you up to vote for me in the UK Blog Awards? Well guess what?!?
An overwhelming 73,352 public votes were received by the UK Blog Awards for the 2,000 blogs entered in the competition. My pleas to you must have worked (or at least provided some sort of edge) because my blog was shortlisted as a contender in both the Travel and Food and Drink categories.
Thank you for making that happen. I am so grateful to known you took the time to show support for me.
So what’s next? We’ll just have to wait and see. The decision for best Travel blog and best Food and Drink blog is in the hands of the esteemed judges who will let their choices be known at an awards ceremony held 29 April at London’s Park Plaza Hotel.
Travel judges are Amanda Hills (CEO at Hills Balfour) and Chris Heyward (Senior Vice President and Head of Global Communications at NYC & Company).
Judges for Food and Drink include Iqbal Wahhab OBE FRSA (CEO at Roast) and India Dowley (News and Online Editor at Square Meal).
Impressive judges, huh? So is the lineup of other shortlisted contenders. Check ’em out:
Travel finalists:
Food and Drink finalists:
Do I even stand a chance? I have no idea. But as 2016 is the 10th anniversary of tikichris, just this sort of recognition would be a wonderful way to mark the occasion. As I scribbled in a previous post, my dot com doings have outlasted other personal endeavours I thought were set to endure the test of time. They’ve taken me across the globe, helped with the mortgage and brought me closer to old friends while presenting the chance to make the acquaintance of new ones. Oh yeah, they’ve enabled me to eat incredibly well too.
Cheers for your votes and best of luck to all finalists!
Congrats Chris and we’ll done on 10 years of blogging – not an insignificant achievement! Hope you win!
Thanks Andy! Hope you’re well.
well done Chris!! You deserve it!! Was away, didn’t see the voting. Sure you’ll win.
Thank you! I hope you’re well