Here it is. The last of my 10X10 team ups.
For my concluding collaboration, I enlisted my artist friend, David Ortsman, to interpret a theme: tikichris eats the world. Not long after I floated the idea, David got back to me some amazing drawings that he thought best ‘addressed’ subject.
I love David’s art. It’s outsider and visceral, with a bizarre and darkly naïve edge. I was honoured he was keen to share some of his drawings with me in this context to use on my blog.
David Ortsman lives and works between Paris, Nogent sur Marne and Marseille. He is a permanent resident of the National Foundation for Graphic and Plastic Arts (FNAGP) in Nogent sur Marne.
Find out more about David and his art at
I’ll wrap up my ramblings about 10 years of blogging soon with a few final thoughts and word of thanks to all . But before I do enjoy these drawings by David.