Reasons Why We Love Camomile Tea

Camomile tea is a caffeine-free alternative to green and black tea.

Its consumption dates back to ancient times. Egyptians used the tea for medicinal purposes because of its anti-inflammatory, mildly astringent, and antioxidant properties. Moreover, Romans used flowers of the plant to add flavour to their foods. Globally, doctors recommend a cup of camomile for an array of uses. In most countries, camomile is an ingredient of herbal teas. Several researchers show that the combination of the beverage with other plants resolves a wide range of health issues. Let us explore the benefits of camomile tea and the reasons why we love the drink.

Stress Reliever

After a tiresome day at work, a cup of camomile increases the level of melatonin and serotonin, which have a soothing effect. It acts as a good stress reliever due to its numerous ingredients, which have a relaxing effect on the body. High intake lowers anxiety, as well as stress. Persons battling with emotional issues should incorporate the tea into their meal plan. Doctors recommend that stressed persons should take at least two cups every day. The relaxing effect on the hormones makes a person feel comfortable, relieved, and relaxed mentally.

Better Sleep

The tea contains a flavonoid called apigenin that helps reduce anxiety for better sleep. Flavonoid binds the receptors in the body and induces sleep to individuals experiencing irregular sleep patterns. Persons with sleeping disorders should consume at least two cups of the beverage to relax their mind and rest. Medical practitioners prescribe the tea to women recovering from postpartum to improve the quality of their sleep. According to tea merchants, one should use the tea regularly and consistently since the results are short term.

Improved Skin Health

An increased intake of the beverage transforms the appearance of the skin. When added to baths, it treats scaly and itchy skin. Unlike other chemical compounds, the drink has no side effects. Users can make tea from camomile plant or apply it directly to the skin. Also, polyphenols in the tea help in eliminating free radicals that often cause faster ageing.

Boosts Immune System

Medical experts acknowledge the application of the tea to boost the immune system. Its consumption helps the body to fight flu, sinuses, and the common cold. The aroma of the tea clears the congestion in the sinuses for better breath. The tea has antibacterial properties that assist in protecting the body against unwanted viruses and bacteria. A cup of the drink is enough to improve your immune system. The phenolic compounds help in warding off different diseases.

In conclusion, camomile is a magical plant that boosts the immune system against several diseases, including common cold, sinus, and flu. The components of the plant relieve stress and enhance the process of digestion. People use the beverage for improving their skin health and attaining better sleep. Additionally, the plant treats mastitis, rheumatic pain, neuralgia, canker sores, and bruises, among other health issues.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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