Five Good Things | #5GoodThings #5GoodThingsCovid19

1. The smell of rain on asphalt;
2. Being There by Wilco;
3. Losing my sense of time during an in depth conversation;
4. FiveThirtyEight Politcs podcast;
5. Sunlight streaming into my bathroom while I take a shower.

Please stay in touch, consider creating your own lists of five (or more) positive things, and look after your health and that of your loved ones and neighbours as never before.


What is Five Good Things?

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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3 Responses to Five Good Things | #5GoodThings #5GoodThingsCovid19

  1. eswini says:

    The smell of rain on asphalt is awesome:)! There’s a sandstorm in the making now so I’ll be enjoying the smell (and taste) of sand shortly. I have taken the 5 good things even further, which is very good going for a grump, so thanks for giving me the push:)

    • tikichris says:

      I love it! Thanks. How was the sandstorm?

      • eswini says:

        Mighty. And blinding at times. Bracing for full on curfew tomorrow so I rode the storm and got things I never thought were essential until I contemplated not having them:) Story of my life 😉

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