Keeping calories under control is often what people struggle with the most when it comes to losing weight. And, often, it’s snacks that end up ruining everything. Snacking on between 500 to 1000 calories per day can translate into gaining 2 pounds extra per week. It also takes a lot of activity to get rid of these calories. You’d have to run for about an hour and a half at a moderate pace to burn 1000 calories, and not many people can handle that much.
However, there are ways that you can snack and still lose weight. It’s all about making adjustments and knowing what to avoid. Here are a few snacking tips for people who are trying to lose weight.
Protein is Your Friend
When it comes to snacks, there is one thing you have to remember, and that is to make them count. You don’t want to snack on empty calories that won’t be advancing your fitness and weight loss goals. This is why you want to focus on snacks that are high in protein if you’re going to eat between meals. Protein packs a powerful one-two punch for losing weight. First, it helps support muscle mass, which in return needs a lot of energy for maintenance. This means that your body will be able to burn more calories whether you’re training or not. Second, protein takes more energy than other foods to be consumed, which means that it will boost your metabolism and that a portion of the calories you consumed will be used in processing that food.
There’s another great benefit to snacking on protein. Protein will help you feel fuller for longer and you won’t find yourself eating as much as a result. This is why it’s much easier to wolf down a whole bag of crisps than a bag of almonds. Choose snacks that are high in protein and you’ll always win.
Stay Away from Simple Carbs
Simple carbs and sugars are the absolute worst thing for anyone on a diet. They usually have very low nutritional value and will turn into fat if not being used. Instead, go for complex carbs whenever you have the chance. Anything that is made using whole grains or that is brown instead of white is usually a good choice. Brown rice, for example, is a complex carb, while white rice isn’t. Quinoa is another great substitute and can be used to make nice nutritious salads that are high in protein and will fill you up with fibre and nutrients.
Complex carbs will help you stay full just like protein. So, we would suggest that you go for snacks that combine the two. Trail mix is a great example, but you should consider making it yourself. This way, you can substitute for fruits with a low sugar content. Unsweetened cranberries are a great substitute for things like dried bananas, for instance. A mix of nuts and low sugar dried fruit will be satisfying enough to satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping you full for hours.
Consider Meal Replacements and Weight Loss Products
We also suggest that you look at things like meal replacements and weight loss products. A meal replacement shake makes for a perfect snack, as long as it’s balanced and has everything you need. You can also find great alternatives to unhealthy snacks that will get you roughly the same taste without the guilt. You have to go with the right brand, however. We suggest you browse this range of weight loss products from Shake That Weight. Their weight loss products have a reputation for quality and taste great. They have a wide selection of shakes, and different products such as cereals, bars, and even soups. You could grab any of these as a snack and feel full for hours knowing that you just stocked up on all the nutrients that you need.
Beware of Low-Fat Options
One thing you shouldn’t do, however, is assume that low-fat options are automatically better for you. There is no link between fat in your diet and body fat, and manufacturers will usually try to compensate for the lack of taste with all sorts of substitutes and sugar. These will be much worse for you in the long run. What you want to tackle is sugar. If you see a reduced sugar version of your favourite snacks or drinks and they aren’t full of artificial sweeteners, go for it. Cutting simple sugar will always work, so make sure that you concentrate on that and calories more than dietary fat.
These are all tips that you can use to snack smartly and reach your weight loss goals. While they can help, nothing beats keeping a food diary and discipline, so work on developing these habits as well.