I’m not quite sure how I came up with the idea for this infographic. It just sort of showed up in my mind one morning. But once it was there, I felt compelled to make the graphic and share it. I do know the inspiration for it and for whom I made it: a few dear friends I sincerely hope can use it to cope better with stress and anxiety. I reckon all of us (most certainly me included) could do with some help with stress and anxiety from time to time.
Maybe it will come in handy for you too?

Do your legitimate concerns ever turn into worry, anxiety or even panic before your aware of the change?
If we can learn to spot the warning signs before losing control of our emotions, we might be able to handle difficult situations better and spare ourselves and others undue distress.

Concern is a feeling of care or interest that is usually a mild and general emotion.
Worry is a persistent feeling of unease, often related to a specific concern or situation, that may involve rumination or repetitive thoughts.
Anxiety is a broader term encompassing worry, nervousness and fear. It’s a normal response to stress but can become excessive or persistent to such an extent it interferes with daily activity or manifest in physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, and trouble breathing.
Panic is an intense and sudden feeling of fear or terror, often accompanied by physical symptoms associated with anxiety as well as sense of impending doom or overwhelming feeling of being out of control.

If we can learn to spot the warning signs before losing control of our emotions, we might be able to handle difficult situations better and spare ourselves and others undue distress.