Category Archives: Give Me Space
Give Me Space: Make Room | Save Money | Win Big
Here’s a recap of the posts I’ve written over the past few months while taking SpaceWays for a spin … plus a reminder of the big competition for six months of free storage … and even a discount code for your first time using SpaceWays! I’m really pleased with my SpaceWays experience and am happy to recommend this urban storage service to anyone looking for affordable and convenient solutions for finding some breathing room in the big city. Continue reading
Give Me Space: Stowing (It) Away
Got a gap year coming up? Longing for a long holiday abroad? Or maybe you’ve got guests coming to visit and you need to make some room for them? Whatever your particular travel-related situation, finding a short, convenient and affordable way to stow your stuff while you head off on an adventure (or when BFF adventurers beckon at your door) can sometimes mean all the difference between being a carefree wanderer or gracious host and having to stay put and lonely at home. Continue reading
Give Me Space: Getting Ready for a Clean Spring
The tease of longer days and warmer weather has been in the air lately. Time to plan a spring cleaning? As mentioned in the initial post of my Give Me Space mini-series, over the next few months, I’m going to trial new urban storage service SpaceWays and share my thoughts about the service with you. Continue reading
Give Me Space: Does Urban Storage Have to be a Complicated Hassle?
Most Londoners I know are sharing a residence with housemates or managing the best they can on their own or with a partner or family … and in the vast majority of cases they have little or no storage space. And it seems that the more convenient the location or newer the property, the less likely they are to have even the most basic of facilities for putting things away and keeping them safe.
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