Tag Archives: expats
What Expats in London Need to Know
Fortunately, making London your new home is not as daunting as it might seem. Continue reading
USA to the UK? Tips for Future Expats.
Tapping into the worldly wisdom of all these globetrotters and hoping to give a little something back to people who use their services (or might need to in the near future), HiFX has recently asked expats who blog (and there seems to be quite a lot of us out there doing just that) to contribute some advice to their new Expat Tips page. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’d qualify as any sort of expert or not, but I certainly have my opinions about being from one country and living in another. I was happy to pitch in with some thoughts for US citizens contemplating a move to the UK when asked if I’d like to participate.” Continue reading
American Expat Living in London, Meet Chris (Expats Blog)
Just because Britain and America share a common language, doesn’t mean there aren’t significant cultural differences between them. If you’re coming here from the States, don’t assume things are the same as “back home.” You are in a foreign country. And when you do encounter differences, don’t immediately assume that the Brit way is inferior or even an adaptation. Continue reading