Wine Tasting Review: Bibendum’s B Festival ’09 (Londonist)

Wine Tasting Review: Bibendum’s B Festival ’09
Londonist, September 29, 2009 2:44 PM

B Festival '09

Today marked the first of two days of B Festival ’09 at the Primrose Hill office of trade and private client wine merchants, Bibendum. Sadly, this wine tasting event is only open to trade and press. But the good news is that …

Wine Tasting Review: Bibendum’s B Festival ’09

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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One Response to Wine Tasting Review: Bibendum’s B Festival ’09 (Londonist)

  1. ostrov says:

    Thank you,
    very interesting article

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