Okay. More about me. Here’s an interview the super networky Andy Bargery did with me as part of his series highlighting “fantastic members of the London Bloggers Meetup community“. I’ve worked on a handful of projects with Mr Bargery over the past couple of years and have (as mentioned in my last post) tried to attend his London Bloggers Meetups as regularly as my schedule has allowed. He’s a killer dude and an asset to this town’s online community. Cheers!
The Blogger Interviews: Tikichris Osburn
LondonBloggers.net, 06. Sep, 2010
It’s Monday morning and that can only mean one thing – I need a strong cup of tea to kick start the week. Ok Ok, apart from that, it also means it’s time to post up an interview with another fantastic member of the London Bloggers Meetup community. This time I’ve picked someone who, as far as I can remember, has been coming to the London Bloggers Meetups pretty much since day one and that’s Chris Osburn …
The Blogger Interviews: Tikichris Osburn