How does someone with nothing end up with everything? Well, Barclays reckons a great way to find out is through playing 56 Sage Street, their newly launched free game. 56 Sage Street is a point and click game set in a vast city, where players are free to explore and click on hundreds of destinations. With each click players find work, places to stay, new challenges and potentially helpful contacts. If only it were that easy!
Anyway, here’s the story behind the game:
A teenager is given one chance to make it in the city …
Two weeks ago a fresh-faced kid arrived in the city with £4 and a headful of dreams. What they found was a tough, uncompromising place and one night a wrong turntook them into trouble. The dream of making it looked like it was over. But someone had seen what had happened. His name is Mr C. the self-made, millionaire owner of the 56 Sage Street Empire. With only weeks to live, he’s searching for a successor. If our hero can prove their worth to him, their dream of making it might just become a reality.
I took a look at the 56 Sage Street site. The graphics are sharp and the story line’s pretty good too. The “vast city” is very London-y and that’s fun to view. I could see how kids keen to learn a bit about managing their finances and just what it takes to thrive could get a lot out of this game. Heck, I could probably learn a thing or two!
Lol I think I need to play the game as well, managing money has not been a strong point of mine! 56 Sage Street looks like a really cool game, I will have to give it a go.
Thanks for the article Tikichris 🙂
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