2011 Resolutions


I’ve been writing a new year’s resolutions post for a couple of years (2009 resolutions, 2010 resolutions) and reckon there’s no reason I should stop now.

I didn’t accomplished everything I set out to do last January – I’m no longer with Baraka, and I didn’t read nearly as much as I’d hoped. But with respect to photography and adventure (often the two were intertwined) this past year was much more fruitful than I could have ever imagined.

This year, I’m keeping my resolutions simple:

1. I want to have even more adventures;
2. I want more (and more interesting) photography projects;
3. I’ve got to quit smoking (if you catch me smoking from the 3rd of January, yell at me);
4. I really should learn at least a little French;
5. I’d like to be more knowledgeable about wine and to be able to choose the right wine for the right occasion with confidence.

Basically, I like how 2010 played out and just want to keep moving in the same direction. I love how I spend much of my time but can certainly acknowledge there’s still plenty of fine tuning to be done.

Happy new year everybody!


About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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3 Responses to 2011 Resolutions

  1. Nic says:

    Cigars don’t count, right?

    Happy New Year my friend!

  2. tikichris says:

    Right! Cigars should be fine. Let’s have one soon!

  3. Pingback: 2012 Resolutions « Tiki Chris

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