December is Write a Friend Month! (OneTravel)

Do you remember the last time you actually put pen to paper to hand-write a letter or a postcard for someone? Yeah, me neither. Oh sure, I’m “writing” to other people all the time these days. But how much meaning really can be convened through a text, email, or tweet compared to, say, a few thought out paragraphs scripted upon a piece of paper?

To be sure, there’s an art to creating a perfectly to-the-point text, a well-drafted email, or superbly succinct tweet. Still, what are we, as literate beings, losing in exchange for such sped up and immediate digital interaction? Are hand-written letters and postcards relevant at all anymore?

Read my complete post at the OneTravel blog.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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