A year ago, I resolved to ‘strive for bigger, better and ever more meaningful opportunities to tell stories through my words and images and relate amazing experiences with a broader and more closely connected audience.’ This year? I want to have at that all over again.
The difference is though, for 2016, I hope to hone my year-old resolution not only to continue trying for the chance to tell compelling stories, but also to realise more fully my voice in that process.
Opportunities to share my experience through writing and photography abound. How much bigger, better or more meaningful those opportunities turn out to be depends largely on how I honour what’s already available to me.
I’m glad for the chance I have to express my interests and concerns with a growing audience. And I think I do good work as a writer and photographer. Still, I can improve how I actually go about expressing myself for that audience and at the same time tapping into the kernel of self that’s distinctively and explicitly me.
What I’m talking about here is creating a virtuous circle. If I appreciate an opportunity by doing a great job, I then should see more and greater opportunities for more and greater jobs come my way, while discovering more about myself in the process. That, anyway, is the intention of my 2016 resolution.
Happy New Year. Here’s to better storytelling.
Thanks for sharing your resolutions and best of luck with your writing endeavours this year – onwards and upwards for us all!
Thank you! I hope 2016 is off to a good start for you