Best Travel + Food and Drink Blog | Vote for Me? #UKBA16

Travel with tikichris?

Should this blog win an award? I dunno. But 2016 marks the 10th anniversary of tikichris, and some sort of ‘official’ acknowledgement sure would feel good. This year’s UK Blog Awards are now open for public voting. I would appreciate your vote.

My blog is up for public voting in two categories: Travel and Food and Drink. There’s a ton of entries. I don’t think stand a chance. But, ya never know.

To vote for tikichris …

Click here:

You’ll see a drop down menu with these options:
– Travel + Food and Drink
– Travel
– Food and Drink

I would appreciate it most if you could vote for that first Travel + Food and Drink option.

Voting for the 2016 UK Blog Awards is open from Monday 4 to Monday 25 January 2016 at 9pm.

To vote you’ll need to enter your name and email address. I hope that’s okay!

The UK Blog Awards are “the only Blog Awards recognising a multitude of industry professional talent across the UK. The UK Blog Awards provide a unique opportunity for individual professionals from their sector and organisations to be recognised for their social media achievements through blogging, with the chance to network and be inspired by other industry bloggers.”

Vote for me now in the UK Blog Awards #UKBA16

I’ve been doggedly tinkering away at blogging since the summer of 2006 (often in contrast to what might have been more conventional and sometimes wiser choices for my so called career). But to suggest any sacrifice or hardship would be deceit – I’ve been having a blast!

My .com doings have outlasted other personal endeavours I thought were set to endure the test of time. They’ve taken me across the globe, helped with the mortgage and brought me closer to old friends while presenting the chance to make the acquaintance of new ones. Oh yeah, they’ve enabled me to eat incredibly well too.

If, in some small way has helped you have more fun, discover something amazing, save some money or otherwise make more of your time than you might have otherwise, please consider voting for it in the 2016 UK Blog Awards.

Thank you!

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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One Response to Best Travel + Food and Drink Blog | Vote for Me? #UKBA16

  1. Pingback: 2016 UK Blog Awards: Shortlist - Big Thanks!

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