Job Hunting In The UK


Finding and obtaining a job, and especially one that will give you job satisfaction, can be rather difficult in the current job market. There are, however, certain practices that can be followed, attitudes encouraged, that can certainly help make the search for jobs easier and more fruitful.

One of the most important things to know before starting a job search is what it is that you would want to do as your job, or the kind of tasks you would like to be doing. A number of factors can go into deciding this, such as what you have done and found satisfying in the past, what you perform well in now, and what kind of strengths (and weaknesses!) you possess.

The next step is to survey the job-market. One of the best ways to do this is to use one of numerous job search website, such as Jobrapido. The key benefit of using one such website is that it can easily be used to search nationwide for job openings according to location, industry, sector – amongst other criteria. You should be open-minded here, during your job search. Although some of your skills and interests might appear to lend themselves to only particular fields, you should reflect on how you could transfer those skills to other fields.

Once you have found some jobs that you are interested in, the next step is starting the application processes! There are two main ways of making the initial application to the company: by cover letter and CV, or by submitting an application form with set questions. The way you decide to submit your application is of course important, but what’s more important is that you really, fully commit to it. The work experience and education you provide should be accurate and up-to-date, and it would be beneficial to provide references at this stage. Somewhere within the application you will most likely have to answer some variation of ‘Why would you be good for this role?’ and ‘Why would this role be good for you?’ An answer to these questions lies hidden in your first step of the process – the reflection you should have done on your already developed, specifies skills and interests, and how you could apply these to the role in question.


If you get an interview for the position following the initial application, this is the crucial chance to make a good impression on a prospective employer. Dress smart relative to the position on offer, be on time, polite, friendly to the interviewer(s) and remember to smile. The employer wants to know more about you, so be yourself! Be prepared to answer a number of questions similar to the ones you answered in your initial application

The process of finding a job can be quite lengthy and, without a positive attitude, very disheartening. However, if you get rejected from a job you applied for, keep going with your head held high: with perseverance, something should and will come along in time.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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