Things to Do on Hilton Head Island

Things to Do on Hilton Head Island

Beach vacations are sometimes a cliché, and people usually imagine a week spent drowsing in the light of the sun, maybe with the occasional dip in the ocean tossed in.

But most beach destinations have numerous other activities to do besides reading and lounging poolside.

Hilton Head Island is no different. Like with all travel, it will take a bit of effort to find the tour groups and rental companies and activity packages that you truly enjoy.

But at Hilton Head, you can rest assured that there is no shortage of things to do, even if you count out laying on the beach. After a vacation spent taking advantage of all the island has to offer, you may even want to consider renting or buying a home on Hilton Head Island.

Before you get ahead of yourself, here are a few ideas to get you started, and to round out your week of beach-laying and pool-lounging.

Rent Bicycles

Although the island is often referenced because of its beaches, that doesn’t mean you have to use the beach as a reading and drinking zone. Across the island, there are many places where you can rent bicycles by the hour or day, and take yourself on a ride along the perimeter of the island.

If beach bikes aren’t your style, Hilton Head also boasts a number of inland trails that are perfect for bike riding. Most rental places rent not only beach bikes, but also road and/or mountain bikes.

And, for added convenience, the vast majority of resorts and large hotels offer bike rentals of their own, so you never even need to set foot off the property — until you get the bike, that is.

Stop by the Distillery

Hilton Head has its own distillery, aptly named Hilton Head Distillery. You can take a tour of the distillery, including a round of tastings, if you’re over 21 years old.

The distillery is a favorite of tourists for the more in-depth background into the process of making rum and vodka. The distillery also makes for a great activity during rainy days, which may have otherwise put a damper on a beach vacation.

The distillery is located on the northeast side of the island, and is open Monday through Saturday in the afternoon and early evening.

Play a Round of Golf

Hilton Head Island is known for its outstanding and impeccably maintained golf courses. In fact, there are approximately 24 public and private golf courses on the small island, which is a course-density rivaled by few other locations.

Hilton Head is a PGA Tour destination, and is home to both typical and oceanfront courses.

Perhaps the most well-known of these courses are Harbour Town Golf Links and Heron Point.
Regardless of where on the island you’re staying, there’s sure to be a golf course near you. Many of the private courses offer guest passes and, if you’re willing to pay a bit higher price, then you can find the golfing experience of your lifetime.

Beach vacations can be so much more than just that — and Hilton Head Island is especially well-equipped to give you anything you could ask for in a vacation.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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