What is Linux VPS Hosting and Why Do You Need It?

What is Linux VPS Hosting and Why Do You Need It?

VPS technology offers tech-savvy webmasters, and web developers a reliable hosting platform, that combines the performance of a dedicated server at the cost of a shared hosting. Professionals know what importance does it hold to have a well-configured server.

The most important aspect for considering a VPS hosting plan is the right operating system to run the VPS. Microsoft’s Windows server and the open source Linux are the most trusted operating systems to sustain a web hosting environment.

In order to come up with an educated decision to choose between the two, you must consider certain aspects, including reliability, performance, and the investment. The majority of the web professionals choose to go with Linux for a number of reasons.

What is Linux VPS Hosting?

If you are familiar with the operating systems, you must know that Linux and Windows are the operating systems (as mentioned above). However, unlike Windows, Linux is an open-source platform that entails the free distribution of the updates and security packages.

In simple words, you are not required to pay any license fee for Linux. That being said, you are allowed to install this Operating System on any number of computers you want. When we combine the VPS with the Linux Operating System, it is called Linux VPS Hosting.

There are a number of hosting providers in the market that offer cheaper plans for the Linux based VPS hosting. If you are looking for a reliable VPS package, you may want to click here.

Advantages of Linux VPS Hosting

1. Easy to Afford – Given that Linux is an open-source operating system software, the hosting providers do not need to pay for the license to run the operating system on their machines. Therefore, it is bringing the licensing economy down as they are significantly cheaper.

2. Stability and Reliability – A Linux VPS hosting is well known for its stability and reliability. Even though Windows Server’s latest version has become progressively reliable, Linux does take the cake as the most robust server operating system.

3. Better Security – With news about cyber attacks on the high profile services bombarding the Internet every day, it is important to ensure your security. Speaking of which, Linux comes with fewer vulnerabilities. It is an ideal solution for a secured VPS hosting.

4. Flexibility – Linux offers you a hosting environment that is flexible in nature. It enables you to have benefits of the high-performance applications. Speaking of which, it allows you to utilize both server and desktop applications.

5. Easy to Install and Network-Friendly – Linux is a simple yet robust operating system that is easy to install. Since Linux was designed by a group of talented programmers, it is made to make network functionality incredibly simple.

Why Does Your Business Need Linux VPS Hosting?

What is Linux VPS Hosting and Why Do You Need It?

The performance of your web host servers directly affects your business. If you are a new business in specific, looking for a cheaper hosting solution, Linux VPS hosting can be your best shot. Linux based VPS hosting is not only cheaper in nature, but also helps you in providing more performance.

One of the best things that the Linux VPS is best known for is stability. It has the reputation of being one of the most stable OS ever existed. It rarely occurs where a running Linux OS requires a restart or gets crashed.

Your business required security and stability both. Especially when you are running a website that deals with extremely confidential customer database such as credit card information – security comes as the must aspect to have.

A stable performance can yield you a better outcome in business and big revenues. Due to the integration of robust applications and other features, it (Linux) delivers more stability. It means that you won’t be having to worry about losing your sales due to the server crash.

Linux utilizes SSH which is equivalent to the Command Prompt in the Windows. It is complex in nature, unlike the Windows Command Prompt. Following are the points that help you in determining that why does your business require Linux VPS hosting;

1. Scalability Factor – It is an important factor that could affect a business in a more profound way. Nobody wants their business to be stagnant. Every web-based business owner strives to grow and succeed in the business.

Speaking of which, every business requires customers and better sale outcomes. Hence, your web traffic plays an important role in this matter. To have more traffic, your server requires to work harder with the available resources.

Linux VPS allows your website to have a huge chunk of resources if required. Not to mention, with increasing traffic and more added content, your website certainly needs to have more resources. Linux VPS server helps you to have a better grip on the scalability.

2. 24 x 7 Tech Support – Majority of the hosting providers offer 24/7 tech support just in case you have any query. However, there are a few exceptions, but mostly the companies provide this option. Apart from that, you are also provided with a money back guarantee.

Features such as these are considered standard in general. If you are looking for a good hosting provider, make sure you are getting these two features. You never know when is it that you are going to need a tech support.

When you reach out to a hosting provider for a troubleshooting, they’ll help you with their well-informed tech experts. They are there to help you in solving your tech-related problem. It can be anywhere around from email to live chat.

3. More Reliable as Compared to Windows VPS Server – When you begin to worry about the type of server you may want to need, you begin to lose traction over the benefits offered by your hosting provider. However, most users prefer Linux over Windows, but it does go both ways.

Both of the operating systems serve their purpose with regards to the preferences of your website. Therefore, Instead of worrying about the type of server that the provider offers, be specific about your requirements.

Linux however, is the most used server among the businesses. It offers feature enriched experience and usually better than Windows in most cases. This is the most important aspect that one must look for while searching for a good hosting provider.

Bottom Line

While Windows server comes with its own perks, it does come with a licensing cost. Nevertheless, the Linux platform is more secure and have more features to support web-based applications. All-in-all, Linux VPS Hosting is something you can truly rely upon for your business.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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One Response to What is Linux VPS Hosting and Why Do You Need It?

  1. Devid says:

    I think windows is better for new users and linux is better for old users!

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