What Type of Water Filter Will Be Best for Your House


Water is a major lifeline for humans. It is not inly used for drinking but also important for domestic purposes such as washing and cleaning. However, most of us get contaminated hard water in our water supply lines, which is not fit for human consumption.

Under such circumstances, water filtration systems are a huge blessing since they provide cleaner and safer water on demand without any reliance on bottled water. That being said, with a dozen different types of water filters available in the market, it often gets difficult for newbies to figure out what kind of water filter will work for you.

Here is how you can choose a good water filter for your house.

Source of Water

Most households get their water supply from either the fresh water sources or the city water that comes from the reservoirs, or they get their water supply from wells. The hardness levels and the level of contamination in both these glasses of water differ from each other. Generally, since well water is extracted from the water table, it is said to have higher levels of hard minerals and additional contaminants that cannot be filtered out by regular water filters. If your house gets water supply from well water, it is recommended that you consider installing dedicated water filters designed specifically for well water.


You might be tempted to install one of those larger whole-house water filters but not every house has that kind of space available. Every house is designed differently, and thankfully there are various different type of pf water filters available to cater to every kind of space There are filters that can be mounted on the wall, placed on counter tops and installed under the sink. If you have a very small space, you can also get a direct filter attachment to the kitchen faucet, which will save you a lot of space and will fulfill your water filtration needs easily.


Every household requires water filters to serve different purposes. There are households who require a water filter just to filter water for drinking only while they do not mind using hard water for other domestic uses. Usually, workplaces and commercial spaces specifically require water filters for drinking water only. On the other hand, some people prefer a full fledged water filtration system to get softened water for all domestic purposes. The kind of water filter that will work for you largely depends on your objective of getting a water filter.


Different water filtration systems use different technologies to filter the water. As a result, their rejection rate varies from product to product. The percentage of filtering out a certain mineral also varies. Pay attention to such details while purchasing a water filter and know exactly what kind of water filter will suit your water supply. For example, if your water supply has higher lead, go for a water filter that targets lead well.


Water filters are not just about purchasing and installing, but it is also important to follow the maintenance protocols to ensure that the system performs effectively. The water filters need to be changed and replaced after a certain period. If you are not very good at maintenance, go for a product that is easy to maintain. Try to pick a product that has a longer filter life so that you do not have to worry about having them replaced every few weeks.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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