Could You Live in a Villa in Greece?

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There are many types of lodgings when it comes to building or buying or renting the place you are going to stay either alone or with your family for shorter or longer periods of time: a house (terraced, semi-detached or detached), an apartment, a villa, a cottage, a camper van, a tent, a lighthouse, a castle or even an igloo.

But how on earth do we (consciously or unconsciously) decide on the sort of housing at the end of the day? Is it our income, our needs, the style of the area, the climate, our personal taste or our childhood dreams?

Well, as you might have already guessed, most of the times it’s a combination of all of them. Could you buy a castle any time soon? Probably not, it may be too pricey. Would an igloo prove to be handy in the UAE (United Arabic Emirates)? Hmm … it would melt down in no time due to extreme heat. What about a lighthouse in Czech Republic? Oops, sorry … No sea, no lighthouses! Oh let me think … yes, that’s it. A tent in Nepal! Isn’t that inventive? No, due to strong winds and hailing you will find yourself sleeping … outside the remains of the tent! A camper van in New York? Why? There are so many fancy and safe flats in those amazing skyscrapers. Besides, where are you placing it? In a park? Not so idyllic to think of.

These are some of the causes we mainly build houses, apartments, cottages and villas.

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Varieties of Villas

Now, let’s talk a bit about one of these popular quarters, a villa. For a start, villas have got a truly long history that goes back to the years of Roman Empire when the first villas were constructed. Moving on up until today, most mansions have lots of stuff in common, but some differences, as well.

Villas are in fact big and spacious places and sometimes they are characterized as huge or gorgeous houses that only rich can afford. Of course, that’s partially true as we’ll see later on. Except for these details, these dwellings include a pretty surprising outdoors open area. There, one or more swimming pools can be found and/or an impressive garden which is taken care of a specialist. Additionally, they are usually built in remote areas to offer the maximum amount of privacy and peace of mind to their tenants and their company.

Although most people believe all villas are the same, such a claim falls behind reality as architects compete with each other in terms of size, shape, style and imagination when they are about to design a new building, let alone a villa. Therefore, villas can be made of bricks and cement or wood or stones etc. Furthermore, some can sleep up to 30-40 people while others can offer their services to less than 10 guests maximum. So, size does matters in this case.

Another important factor is the location of the building. When you are up to renting a villa, keep in mind what matters the most to you. A great view to an exotic shore or glamorous stores, clubs and restaurants just around the corner? Unquestionably, money makes the world go round and you have to book fairly well ahead to locate unbeatable bargains. Mykonos villas are definitely a fantastic choice as they brag a wide variety of amazing and state-of-the-art residences for every sense of taste and wallet.

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About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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