Five Good Things | #5GoodThings #5GoodThingsCovid19

1. Keeping to a schedule;
2. The buzzing of a bee seeming so loud;
3. Pizza and beer on a Saturday night;
4. Leftover pizza for breakfast;
5. Having my next payday in sight.

Please stay in touch, consider creating your own lists of five (or more) positive things, and look after your health and that of your loved ones and neighbours as never before.



British Red Cross:

What is Five Good Things?

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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4 Responses to Five Good Things | #5GoodThings #5GoodThingsCovid19

  1. eswini says:

    Happy Easter! Saying that my the 6th good thing:) Even though one might be generally not bothered, it’s just a lovely wish:) It travels far and wide when nothing else can- it came to me from several countries and islands of dear humanity, I passed it on to others…it’s been my traveller:)

    • tikichris says:

      Happy Easter! It’s been a strange one to be sure, but at the very least a good opportunity to reflect on how fortunate I actually am given the current crisis the world is in. Thanks. I hope you are doing well.

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