Rules for the Dedicated Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer allows you to cast off the rules that come with working for someone else. While you will still need to stay legally compliant, you may now also be able to choose when you work, what you wear, and what you do.

While this freedom can be appealing, it is important that you do create your own rules and company code which you intend to abide by. This can help you to stay focused and motivated with your tasks, and keep both work and paperwork up to scratch.

Invoice in a Timely Manner

As a freelancer, you will be in charge of ensuring you get paid for your work. At the end of each task, you will need to create an invoice and send it to your client to be able to get paid. Using an invoice template can help you to make the process even quicker by removing the need to create a different document for every single client.

By sending these documents in a timely manner, you can get paid quicker and finish your transactions with each client. Not only that, but prompt communication can also show clients that you manage your business effectively, which can increase the likelihood of them becoming repeat customers.

Use a Calendar

A form of calendar app that you can use both on your computer, as well as your tablet or smartphone can help you keep track of any appointments or work that needs to be done is always handy. Alongside this, you may also choose to use a written planner or calendar too, so that you have a number of ways of keeping track. This can be particularly useful should you either lose your written planner or access to the internet, as it means that you will have a form of backed up data somewhere.

Calendar notifications can also be incredibly useful too, as these can remind you of any work you need to do, or deadlines you need to meet.

Alongside this, you can include breaks within your calendar, to ensure that you have an adequate amount of rest throughout your working day.

Keep Records

Documenting all your information regarding what work you have completed, how much you have been paid, and receipts for any business expenses can help you with reports and even accounting needs. This means that you can see which types of work you do benefit the most, as well as what you can potentially claim back as expenses when dealing with your taxes.

On top of this, dedicated records can help to protect you should any disagreements with previous clients occur, and help back you up should these escalate further.

Becoming a freelancer may give you more freedom to choose clients and jobs to suit you, but means that you also need to be able to hold yourself accountable for both the work and your administrative tasks. If you can find ways to manage your time effectively, you can put more into earning money, and regain some extra free time back.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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