When you get a new puppy, it’s important to start him off in the world on the best possible foot (or paw!) Your new puppy is a new member of your family and will depend on you their entire lives.
With that in mind, you must set your dog up for a long, healthy and happy life. Here are a few things you can do to make sure that your new puppy has the very best start to life.
Establish A Routine
Dogs are creatures of habit so as soon as you get your new puppy, you should establish a set routine. Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience for a puppy, and a routine will help him to feel grounded in his new surroundings.
Have set meal times, times that you go outside, playtimes and bedtimes. While getting a puppy to sleep through the night might be difficult, you must show your puppy what he can expect as soon as he arrives. This will help him feel at ease and secure in your home.
Train Early
There are a few things you should start training your puppy in as soon as you get them. The obvious one to begin with is house training. Have a puppy training pad out and start by getting him to do his business on that. While you’re doing this, begin to get him used to the idea of going to the toilet outside. Use praise and treats to encourage him when he does go to the toilet outside.
While it can be frustrating when your dog has an accident, remember he is only a puppy. He will likely not get it right the first time, and you should try to have patience.
You can also start to train your puppy to be alone for short amounts of time. This is important to prevent any separation issues further down the line. You want your puppy to be relaxed and comfortable, even when you aren’t in the room with him.
Choose What You Feed Him Carefully
The right food is essential for giving your puppy the best start in life. High quality, nutritious food will help him grow strong and healthy, putting him in a good position for the rest of his life.
You could consider feeding him raw dog food for puppies. This is a great way to get your puppy all of the vitamins and nutrients he needs to grow into a healthy adult dog. Bella & Duke are a great provider of raw food for dogs of all ages. Their all-natural dog food is excellent for helping your puppy to thrive and grow.
Socialise Him
You should get him used to as many different people, sights, smells and animals as you can. This will teach your puppy about the world around him. Make sure he is comfortable and having fun as much as you can – these experiences will shape his future behaviour, so these need to be positive interactions.
Use some common sense when socialising your puppy. He needs to be introduced to the world around him gradually in situations that won’t cause him any unnecessary stress or worry.
If you are likely to take your puppy in the car a lot, it is also vital that he gets used to being in the car. If properly introduced to the vehicle, given time to get used to the smell and surroundings, you can make sure a drive in the car isn’t an upsetting experience for him.
Have Lots Of Playtime
Puppies love to play. Playing is a great way to keep their minds active which is so important in the crucial early puppy weeks and months. Playing also helps to use up some of the boundless puppy energy!
This will help you and your family bond with the puppy. You can also use playtime to establish yourself as the head of the ‘pack’. Play should be on your terms, and if your puppy misbehaves the best way to correct him is to stop the game entirely. He will soon realise that nipping or being too rough will stop the fun play.
Visit The Vet
You will need to make sure your dog has all of his vaccinations and is completely happy and healthy. It can be challenging for someone without proper training and expertise to see if there are any issues, so consulting a professional is a must.
You should try to make the visit as positive as possible. Give him plenty of praise after he has been examined by the vet and maybe take some treats so that he associates the vet with positive things. His vaccinations may be distressing for both him and you, so make sure you spend some quality time with your puppy afterwards.