The 5 Finest Coffees in the World

Coffee is the most renowned drink of the world, and amongst the most consumed ones.

Since its importation in Europe, during the 16th century (after a centuries-old journey, from its native Ethiopia through North Africa, Middle East and Turkey), it has become part of the gastronomic culture of many areas, gradually spreading its reputation all over the world.

In a remarkable number of countries (Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt) it is still today a symbol and a tradition at the same time. Several cities (Naples and Istanbul above all) have built rituals and habits around it. Last but not the least, the entire world of the arts has paid its tribute to coffee, from painting to literature, from theatre to poetry.

Currently, the world of coffee is a constellation of varieties, even though the market is dominated – in an almost hegemonic way – basically by three species: Coffea Arabica, Coffea Canephora and Coffea Liberica. Fortunately, for both the connoisseurs and the simple enthusiasts, a few international organizations (such as, for example, are committed to preserve and spread an alternative “coffee culture”, promoting at the same time values like diversity and environmental sustainability. Thanks to them, we are able to taste the difference of many local varieties, including the finest ones.

Regarding this last point, we have detected and listed the five most precious varieties of coffee currently available on the market. You can find them below.

Kopi Luwak

This Indonesian variety has become rapidly one of the most famous, even though most of the people didn’t have the chance to taste it, not even once. Actually, its success has been defined most by the immoderate price (1 Kg of product could cost about 800 € on the European market) as well as the peculiar processing method. The coffee beans are digested and defecated by the local civets, giving the drink a peculiar and distinctive aroma.

Black Ivory Coffee

On the basis of the Kopi Luwak’s production, in India many local farmers produce a coffee obtained thanks to the same procedure. With just only one difference: the elephant has replaced the civet, and the digestion is therefore much longer. This way, the fermentation process that takes place in the animal’s guts, takes more time. This is probably the reason why this coffee has been for many years the most expensive of the planet.

Fazenda Santa Ines

This rare and almost impossible to find variety of coffee is produced in small quantities in Brazil, about 350 Km from the city of Belo Horizonte, in the Minas Gerais state. The growing, harvesting and processing methods have remained unchanged over the centuries.

Hacienda La Esmeralda

The only coffee bound to be a subject of an auction, once a year. This variety grows in the centre of Panama, at an altitude of over 1.800 meters. Its aromatic bouquet is really hard to decipher, but its taste is unique.

Jamaica Blue Mountain

The luxury coffee that has gained its fame thanks to an authentic passion from the Japanese people to it. The plant grows at 2.500 meters above sea level, and the toasted beans are free of any bitter aftertaste.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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