New York City Breaks. I could use one (and if you’re a New Yorker friend of mine reading this, I might be hitting you up for a sofa surf stop soon – so you’ve been warned). I guess I just didn’t get enough of the Big Apple back during my December visit. It was cold as hell then too. And as much as I loved the Christmas-y vibe, I’d rather It’d be great to spend a little more time roaming around with the camera, enjoying some heat (and the AC!) and generally soaking up as much summer in the city atmo as possible.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m still a London lover and, having lived in both cities, I’d have to say London’s definitely my preference. But, if I had to visit only one, I think it’d be NYC. It’s just one of the most dynamic places I’ve ever been. Can’t beat the architectural canyons of glass and steel. Total foodie city too. But I think I’d be keen just to live on pizza for a few days (well maybe a few bagels too).
That’s the New York City part. As for the break, yeah … that’d be swell too. Catching up with folks, people watching, checking out a few new restaurants and bars. Nothing major or too terribly touristy.
Anyway, I’m looking to head back to New York for a bit. Maybe for a week or so in early September, when it’s still summery but past the pavement melting August heat.