Why You are Seeing More Dogs and Cats in Airports


Did you notice more cats in dogs in the airport on your last flight? If they weren’t in a carrier, they’re most likely emotional support animals.

Emotional support animals provide therapeutic benefit to their disabled owners, helping reduce their anxiety and stress during travel. Only those with qualifying disabilities are eligible to make their pet an ESA. Learn more about why you are seeing more dogs and cats in airports.

What is an ESA?

An emotional support animal is a pet that helps someone with specific psychological disabilities cope with the symptoms of their condition. They do not need any training or certifications as a service animal does. All you need is a letter from a licensed mental health professional to make your pet an emotional support animal. Any animal can technically be an emotional support animal, but many therapists will only write letters for cats and dogs. Airlines are changing their policies as well to only allow dogs and cats as ESAs for other passenger’s safety and convenience. Learn more about ESAs here.

ESA Travel

Emotional support animals can travel with their owners on planes due to the Air Carrier Access Act. They do not need to be confined to a carrier as a carry-on pet does. They can sit in their owner’s lap or in the space in front of their seat, without extending into the aisle. Airlines cannot charge a pet fee for emotional support animals. Emotional support animals should be well behaved while traveling, causing a minimal disturbance to other passengers. ESAs should be friendly towards people and other animals. Before you go on a trip with your emotional support animal, it would be a good idea to make sure your pet is healthy and prepared for travelling. That would be a good reason to invest in pet insurance and have no worries during your trip.

Mental Health Benefits of ESAs

Many people feel increased stress and anxiety when flying. Airports are stressful by themselves, and then a fear of flying is incredibly common. Stress and anxiety worsen many of the psychological conditions mental health professionals recommend emotional support animals for. An ESA’s presence is relaxing for their owner, helping them navigate airports and fly on the plane while staying as calm as possible.

ESAs in Airports

Emotional support animals can walk around the airport as a service animal would. They do not need to stay in their carrier. If you see a dog or a cat walking in the airport and the dog doesn’t have a “service dog” vest, it’s an emotional support animal.

People are becoming more comfortable talking about mental health issues in recent years. Mental health problems used to be a secret; people did not share their struggles with mental illness. If someone had an emotional support animal, they kept it a secret. Today, mental health is becoming less stigmatized as we realize how common these issues are.

Those with emotional support animals feel more comfortable talking about how their ESA helps them navigate their condition. There are more online resources now than ever for people struggling with mental health problems. You do not need to physically go to a therapist’s office to get an ESA letter. You can connect with them online through email and telephone. Emotional support animals are an important mental health resource that people are finally talking about.

About tikichris

Chris Osburn is the founder, administrator and editor of tikichris. In addition to blogging, he works as a freelance journalist, photographer, consultant and curator.
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