Tag Archives: honey recipe
Recipe: Pasteli Sauce
I was in Athens earlier this month, which is where I found inspiration for this recipe while munching on a piece of the classic Greek sweet, pasteli. A thin hard rectangle of mostly sesame seeds and honey, pasteli was probably the world’s first candy bar. For my sauce, all I did was take its basic ingredients to create a sort of enhanced honey, something that’s particularly tasty poured generously over a stack of Genesis Crafty’s Big Pancakes. Continue reading
Recipe: Chipotle Cherry Honey Jam
Here’s a recipe for a no-sugar cherry jam with a mild kick to it. The recipe is perfect if you’ve only got a small batch (even a micro batch) of cherries and not much time. Basically all you need to make this treat is a punnet like you get at any supermarket or from any fruit and veg vendor. You want a big last-through-winter mess of the stuff? Do the math. Continue reading