Tag Archives: new year’s resolutions

Not Much to Say | 2023 Resolution

It’s been a few months since posting anything in my 2023 Resolution series. At first blush that might seem bad, but I actually reckon it’s good.  I’ve been so busy meeting the goal of the resolution that I haven’t needed … Continue reading

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Oops! | 2023 Resolution

In the last post for my 2023 Resolution series, I started envisioning the rest of year – and then nothing! It’s been nearly two months since then without any followup or much activity at all on this blog. Time’s slipped … Continue reading

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Starting to Envision the Rest of the Year | 2023 Resolution

It’s been about a month since I checked in with this series, a mostly fun and fairly active few weeks with plenty of blogging. As I said in my last 2023 Resolution post, ‘I’ve got my mojo back.’ I think … Continue reading

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Progress | 2023 Resolution

After a couple of especially busy weeks, I find myself with some unexpected free time on a Sunday morning. I reckon this is as good a time as any to pause and reflect and write another post for my 2023 … Continue reading

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Results | 2023 Resolution

Hello. It’s been a few weeks since I last logged in to write something for my 2023 Resolution series. I’m not too concerned about the lapse though, because I am actually keeping my resolution, to start blogging regularly again. A … Continue reading

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Back | 2023 Resolution

Hey folks. I’m back after a few weeks hiatus from my 2023 Resolution. For part of that time off, I was traveling. Pertaining to my resolution to start blogging regularly again, my trip served to whet my appetite to continue … Continue reading

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Recap and Break | 2023 Resolution

Eleven posts in as many weeks with a couple of busy weeks ahead, I thought now would be a good time to pause my 2023 Resolution series and take stock of what I’ve shared thus far. I’m pretty happy with … Continue reading

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